Corporate Sustainability Responsibility

The Dragon Excavation LLC Dragon
Dragon Excavation LLC,  Green Foot = Clean Foot Logo

The Dragon Excavation Team mission is to be a leader in environmental responsibility.  An integral part of this mission is adopting a proactive approach that focuses on continuous improvement to environmental planning, protection, and compliance.

Dragon Excavation is dedicated to continual improvement and representative awareness regarding  environmental regulations and laws. Dragon’s culture encourages a “leave no trace” mentality, leaving jobsites cleaner than when we arrived is a goal. We will actively seek out sustainable solutions with the objective of minimizing environmental impacts.

Our Green Foot = Clean Foot policy serves as our foundation for environmental responsibility and stewardship, it also provides the framework for establishing and achieving our sustainability goals.

These goals ensure the implementation of best practices on every project while balancing the interests of people, planet, and profits. Dragon's commitment to safety, quality and environmental stewardship is engrained in everything we do.

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• Reducing harmful practices: Decreasing pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, the use of single-use plastics, water consumption, and general waste. Permit remote work to reduce the negative impact of commuter traffic.
• Regulating energy consumption: Increasing reliance on renewables, sustainable resources, and recycled or partially recycled materials.
Offsetting negative environmental impact: Planting trees, funding research, and donating to related causes.
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We are focused on the long term, ensuring each generation of Dragon employees understands the importance of leaving a legacy, nurturing and educating their successors, and focusing on the environments they live in.  Invest in the safety, well-being and success of our workforce, business partners and communities.  Engage in charitable giving and volunteer efforts within our community.
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We are proud to partner with our clients to deliver the infrastructure projects that our communities need to be more resilient and sustainable. Trust is built through communication and demonstrable integrity.
Dragon Logo

Economic responsibility:

Make socially and environmentally conscious investments, Improve labor policies and embrace fair trade.